Produce Your Own Energy and Use it Whenever You’d Like, Day or Night.

Solar batteries reduce your reliance on the grid by storing your solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. You can use solar batteries to save money, reduce your carbon footprint and prepare your home for power outages.

Backup power

Outage protection

Power your home

Clean energy

Keep appliances running

Control your savings

Protect your home

Manage your energy

What is a solar battery?

Solar batteries are used to store energy that solar panels produce. The stored solar energy can then be used later on, when it is needed. In addition, solar panels make more electricity during the middle of the day than they do at any other time of day. The middle of the day also happens to be when your home uses the least amount of energy. As a result, your solar panels will produce a lot of electricity that your home won’t need at that time. Home solar batteries are able to store that extra energy from the middle of the day so you can use it at a different time.

Learn More About Solar Batteries

Advantages of having a solar battery

Less dependence on the grid

First, solar batteries allow you to be less dependent on the grid. Having great energy independence also means that you have the ability to power your home entirely with clean solar energy.

Producing clean energy

Utilities derive the majority of their electricity from dirty fossil fuels. Installing a solar battery ensures that you will power your home entirely with renewable energy produced right on your roof!

Access to backup power

The utility grid can be unreliable. Solar batteries can be used as a backup power source when the grid goes down. It is especially useful to have a backup battery bank in places like California, where grid outages are common during wildfire season.

Big savings on your electric bill

Solar batteries also have the potential to save you money on your electric bill. This is especially true if your utility uses a time-of-use rate structure. This means that your utility will charge different rates for electricity depending on the time of day. Moreover, solar batteries can also offer bill savings if your utility does not offer full retail net metering.

How solar power batteries work

Your system produces energy when the sun is shining.

The home battery stores any excess clean energy not used by your home.

Your home pulls power from your storage when needed.

Learn more about how solar batteries can help you

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